Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Finder's Keepers?

This is what every cheap vegan loves to find on her way home from work. Twenty dollars. Before picking it up, I quickly looked around to see if the "loser" was still in view. No one was there except me and a lonely twenty dollar bill. The only karmically justifiable thing to do is pass it on to someone less fortunate, right?


  1. Ahhhhhh - come to think of it. I remember that I lost a twenty in your neighborhood. Yeah.. that's right - reached in my pocket and it just wasn't there. (wink, wink)

  2. Ingredients for Blueberry waffles are $20 well spent...

  3. Krista, a likely story!

    Rob, does making waffles for two hungry guys count as "passing my $20 on to someone less fortunate"?

  4. Of course; when those two people are nomadic dirty BMX'ers on a budget at least, ha, ha...

  5. I'm no expert in Buddhism, but if we're talking karma, shouldn't it mean that dharma sent you the $20? If so, it's your reward for prior good deeds. Why should you have to give it away?
