With one location in the veg-mecca of the East Coast, New York City, and another in my old stomping grounds of Portland, Maine, it was fate that brought us together. I remember going to the Portland location in the mid-1990s when they served all-you-can-eat meals for $3. Nowadays, with inflation and the growing cost of food, Little Lad’s has had to raise its prices to (brace yourselves) $4 for one plate and one bowl, with $1 additional plates. I know, I know.
How’s the food, you ask? For starters, it’s all vegan except for the use of honey in some baked goods. Second, it’s home-style and prepared with your health in mind. I recall some kind of explanation about abstaining from onions and vinegar in Little Lad’s recipes. Something about these items is harsh on the body’s digestive system. Instead, Little Lad’s uses a plethora of vegetables, grains, and legumes and there is never a piece of tofu or seitan in sight. While visiting, patrons are invited learn about the benefits of what they’re eating, as Little Lad’s has a library of nutritional books, brochures, and sometimes even videos.
The foods you see pictured here are: delicately spiced lentils and chickpeas; carrot, raisin cous cous; succotash; herbed mashed potatoes; salad with creamy dressing; potato salad; hummus; and a fruit parfait with the most delicious sweet cream I’ve ever tasted. Also, I have to confess, I am not a huge fan of ice cream (vegan or dairy varieties), but I do dream about Little Lad’s homemade ice cream. I love its chunky, crunchy texture, though true ice cream connoisseurs may stick their noses up at it.
One of the things Little Lad’s is famous for is its popcorn. People come from all corners of the country to eat this stuff. It is covered in nutritional yeast and herbal goodness that I have failed to re-create at home. If you live in Maine, you’re lucky because this popcorn is sold in local grocery stores. Otherwise, you have to rely on a kindhearted soul to mail you some (thanks, Mom!).
Little Lad’s is owned by Seventh Day Adventists, a religious sect that often leans towards vegetarianism under the belief that pure foods leads to pure body, mind, and spirit. Unfortunately, for a heathen like me, this translates into one of the biggest disappointments I have with Little Lad’s: it is never open on the weekends. Now that I live in Philadelphia and the closest Little Lad’s is in New York City, the stars really have to be aligned for me to be there on a weekday. But when I am, it’s all the more reason to pile my plate high with food. After all, it has to last me until I can get my next Little Lad’s fix.
What is seitan, and why isn't it or tofu allowed?
ReplyDeleteI've been to the one in Portland!
ReplyDeleteI'm curious about that tofu thing, too! I thought that was a staple of the vegan diet, since it's a protein source and will basically take on the taste of whatever you cook it with.
ReplyDeleteBut no onions?! What a shame. Nevertheless, a good tip for anyone, vegan or not.
ReplyDeleteTo answer your question, Proofreader, seitan is wheat gluten (I know the name doesn't sound very appetizing...) It has a meaty texture and, as Jenn pointed out with tofu, it can take on many flavors depending on what it's cooked with. I think the reason that Little Lad's chooses not to use seitan or tofu (or other mock meats) is because they are processed foods. Little Lad's seems to go for foods more in their natural state (like veggies, lentils, beans, spices, etc.), which contain more bioavailable nutrients. Don't quote me on that, though!
ReplyDeleteAbby, the Portland one is my favorite!
Trina, I like onions, too, but my great aunt used to swear that onions and bananas upset her stomach.
Ahh, Little Lad's... Easily in my "All Time Top Five Restaurants" list (Sage's in Salt Lake City, Govinda's Gourmet To Go in Philly, Soul Veg in Atlanta, and Mr Natural in Austin round out the list, in no particular order).
ReplyDeleteRob D., although I haven't been to Sage's or the Soul Veg in Atlanta, I'll bet you a nickel that they're not cheaper than Little Lad's. For that reason alone, Little Lad's is my number one!
ReplyDeleteYou must be pretty darned sure that Little Lad's is less expensive than Sage's or Soul Veg! I've never known you to risk any amount of money - not even a nickel - on a bet!
Onions and bananas upset the stomach?! I wonder if she just didn't like them.
ReplyDeleteMy boyfriend said the same thing about onions and bananas and here I thought he was absolutely crazy. Maybe there's something to that?
ReplyDeleteThis food looks amazing, Nicole! If I'm ever in NY on a weekday, I'm certainly looking this place up!
Mom, no place beats Little Lad's unless it is giving away food for free!
ReplyDeleteTrina and Kristen, the onions and bananas thing baffles me as well, but then again people react differently to all kinds of foods. My boyfriend has the opposite reaction most people get to sugar: instead of getting hyper he konks out and falls asleep!
Hi Nicole!
ReplyDeleteWish I was in NYC to eat vegan - I am in Texas. Thanks for putting my blog http://veganacious.com on your site. I just subscribed to yours so I can keep up. Thanks again!
Hi Barbara,
ReplyDeleteThanks for taking the time to read my blog. I've been enjoying yours, too!
I don't know if you live near Austin at all, but I just visited in March and it has some great vegan restaurants. In particular, I loved Mr. Natural, Bouldin Creek (veg-friendly), and Mother's.
Hi Nicole! I am writing an article and want to profile you and your blog if that is okay. It is a good example of how helpful blogging can be to other vegans. Also, there is a lot of good information on the site. I hope you received a great grade for your class!! Let me know, please, and how to contact you and if it is okay to use any photos from your site. My email is babs@animal.com. BTW I am not near Austin but if I get there I will check out those vegan places.
That is babs@animail.com. Sorry.